#Commercial vehicle insurance ontario Commercial vehicle insurance ontario

Commercial vehicle insurance ontario


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Cooperative Truck Platooning Pilot Program
Ontario is piloting a program to test connected vehicle technology to support the cooperative platooning of trucks. The cooperative platooning pilot will test vehicles that are equipped with advanced driver assistance systems that allow constant communication between a cooperative platoon of up to three trucks.

Commercial vehicle safety requirements
Learn about the safety requirements for commercial motor vehicles operating in Ontario.

Important notice: New Class D licence renewal requirements and medical requirements will come into effect July 1, 2018. Click on the following link for additional information.

  • New Class D Licence Renewal Requirements and Medical Requirements

Commercial vehicle operators safety manual
The Carrier Safety and Enforcement Branch of the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario has prepared this guide to assist and ensure that truck and bus companies (commercial-vehicle operators) operate safely and are compliant with the regulations that govern highway use.

Ontario Extended Stinger-Steer Auto Carrier (ESSAC) Program
Learn more about the Ministry of Transportation’s program for Extended Stinger-Steer Auto Carriers.

Green Commercial Vehicle Program (GCVP)
The objective of the program is to reduce GHG emissions from the movement of freight and non-passenger related services by encouraging a shift towards low-carbon fuels and fuel saving devices. Successful applicants will receive incentives towards the incremental cost of an alternative fuel vehicle, as well as to support the purchase and installation of aerodynamic devices, anti-idling devices and electric refrigeration units.

Road-Building Machines
Effective July 1, 2017: Changes related to road-building machines. Vehicles that no longer meet the updated definition of a road-building machine are considered commercial motor vehicles and subject to requirements including, but not limited to vehicle registration, motor vehicle insurance and Commercial Vehicle Operator’s Registration.

Load restrictions
Under the Highway Traffic Act, the province enforces reduced load restrictions on trucks to protect Ontario’s highways during spring thaw, when road damage is most likely to occur.

Oversize/overweight permits
Carriers must apply for permits to operate or transport oversized or overweight vehicles and loads. Learn about the different kinds of oversize/overweight permits and how to apply.

A guide to oversize/overweight vehicles and loads in Ontario
An overweight permit is required when the dimensions or weight of a vehicle(s) exceeds the normal limits permitted by legislation.

Medical standards for class G and class D drivers operating for commercial purposes in the US
Canadian drivers with class G and class D licenses must meet commercial driver medical standards to operate commercial vehicles in the United States. This includes filing medical reports on a regular basis.

Mandatory Entry-Level Training for Commercial Class A Truck Drivers
All new drivers attempting the Class A road test on or after July 1, 2017 will have to successfully complete the mandatory entry-level training course before attempting their Class A Road Test.

Vehicle Validation Fee
Commercial, farm, bus and school bus vehicle classes are subject to fees based on their gross weight (kg). Determine your registration fees by accessing the following fee calculator and schedules for commercial, farm, bus and school bus owners.

New Under-Vehicle Inspection and Semi-Annual Inspection Requirements in 2018 and 2019
As of July 1, 2018, an under-vehicle inspection required under Part III of Regulation 199/07 will be required every 30 days or 12,000 km, whichever occurs LAST. Beginning January 1, 2019, the current annual and semi-annual inspection regime for buses, school purposes vehicles and accessible vehicles will be replaced with a full inspection every six months.

Freight-Supportive Guidelines
Ontario’s Freight-Supportive Guidelines help municipalities better understand and plan for the vehicles that transport goods through their communities. In addition, they provide direction on how to best plan the available land, design sites and manage municipal transportation networks, to keep communities financially stable and competitive.

Recent Regulation Changes

Changes to regulations on vehicle weights and dimensions: Safe, Productive and Infrastructure-Friendly (SPIF) vehicles
Recent amendments to Regulation 413/05 Vehicle Weights and Dimensions – For Safe, Productive and Infrastructure-Friendly (SPIF) Vehicles

Status of 6×2 drivetrains in Ontario legislation
SPIF compliant tractor semitrailers and double-trailer combinations (compliant) are afforded allowable weights as set-out in the corresponding SPIF Schedules within Reg. 413/05, if Qualifying Pre-Conditions and Dimensional Criteria are met.


SOURCE: http://www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/trucks/

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